
Created by Peter, Leon, John, Stefan and Arka


What is a Website?

It's a way to gather information, connect with others, and create content on the internet.
There are different Web versions, but mostly covered what we currently use today and the future website development.

Website Evolution Feature

  1. Read Only - Web 1.0
  2. Read and Write - Web 2.0
  3. Interactive Executable - Web 3.0
  4. ??? - Web 4.0

Web 2.0

Created by Darcy DiNucci in 1999 and later popularized by Tim O’Reilly in 2004. This technology allows websites to become more interactive such as collaborating, developing, sharing and simultaneously operating the web. It is highly standout for the small business model, content creators, communities and services able to communicate with each other rather than just reading information from Web 1.0. Currently Web 2.0 is known to be used today.

Web 2.0 example
Web 2.0 example, where users create and post forums.

Web 3.0

A third stage internet development from previous Web 2.0. It was developed by Tim Berners-Lee, introduced in 2006. Featuring Semantic Web, Artificial Intelligence, 3D Graphics, Connectivity and Ubiquity. Much further improvement in larger companies' business, cryptocurrency, individuals and privacy. However, Web 3.0 is still under development and will be close to finished. In 2021, this technology gained popularity as mentioned non-fungible token and metaverse was introduced.

Web 3.0 example
Web 3.0 example, interactive 3D view where you can rotate around the model.


  • Web 3.0 is going to use more power on CPU, RAM and sometimes GPU(for 3D graphics).
  • Web 2.0 relied on communities while Web 3.0 targeted more for individuals.
  • Web 3.0 has more user control, privacy and security.
  • Web 3.0 is more complex to develop than Web 2.0

Website Example

Web 2.0 Web 3.0
Facebook Metaverse
Reddit Brave
YouTube Bitcoin
Dropbox Sketchfab
Tumblr OpenSea